Know anyone who could benefit from feed my people?
Feed My People is here to help. Feed My People South County provides groceries up to two times a calendar month to families
seeking help, while our High Ridge location gives out groceries every two weeks to families seeking help. Those who are homeless are welcome to come as often as needed.
Feed My People is accepting new clients at both locations (South County and High Ridge).
Appointment line opens at 8:30AM
South County
171 Kingston Drive, St. Louis 63125 314-631-4900 x 304 for Ted
Monday Through Friday, 10am-3pm;
Saturday 9am-12:30pm
High Ridge
3295 Ottomeyer Road, High Ridge 63049 636-677-9885 for Mary
Monday Through Friday, 10am-3pm;
Saturday 9am-12:30pm