Stock donation instructions

Step 1

Complete your transfer

Contact the institution where your stocks are held and let them know you’d like to transfer the shares to Feed My People’s account at US Bank. You may need the following codes:

  • DTC # 0280
  • Account # 25429970
  • Should you require it, MSF’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)/Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) is 43-1264877

Interested in making a gift of mutual funds, bonds, or stocks in the form of a physical certificate?

These types of donations may be handled a little differently. Contact Stephanie at 314.631.4900, ext. 306, or by email at and she can quickly guide you through the process.

If you or your broker have any technical questions regarding the transfer, contact our account manager at US Bank:

Frank R. Wipfler, CFP®, U.S. Bancorp Investments

p. 636.970.8030 | f. 636.970.8015 |

Step 2

Let us know about your gift

Stock donations transferred to our account aren’t accompanied by donor information. We want to be sure we can acknowledge your gift and send you a tax receipt, so please be in touch. There are a few easy ways you can share your gift details, which include the name of the stock, the number of shares, and the date of transfer:

Contact Stephanie B: Email:

Mail the completed form to: Feed My People, 171 Kingston Drive, St. Louis MO 63125.

If you or your broker have any technical questions regarding the transfer, contact our account manager at US Bank:

As soon as your gift is identified, we’ll send you an acknowledgement letter in the mail.

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