Transformation Program
Transformation Program
Our Transformation Program is here to help our clients with all of their needs beyond food. Out transformation team tries to treat the roots of our clients problems and helps to put them on the path of a brighter future! We help with utility assistance, rental assistance, health and wellness assistance, even job and career assistance!
Our transformation team can help eager job seekers in many ways! Building a resume, writing a cover letter, interview prep, and even job searching! We will do everything in our power to help avid job seekers become gainfully employed.

Health & Wellness Assistance
Through a retained life estate, you transfer ownership of your home or farm to Feed My People, while retaining the right to live in the property. With interest rates low, this gift has a lot of tax advantages for home owners.
Clothing Voucher
For those clients who qualify, we provide discount cards or vouchers for items in our thrift stores, helping with appropriate clothing for a new job or an interview, warm clothing in the winter, or everyday essentials.

Emotional and Spiritual Distress
When it comes to spiritual and emotional distress, it’s important to approach each individual’s unique experience with care and empathy.
The Transformation department’s goal is always to meet the clients where they are in their lives and to encourage them to talk about their feelings and to use support networks and resources that we can provide them.
It’s also essential to be supportive and non-judgmental throughout the process of the conflicts that the individual may be experiencing.
Sometimes just reminding them of the importance of self-care such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising can help with a positive impact on their emotional and spiritual state. If their distress persists or becomes overwhelming, we suggest seeking professional help and we would help them with resources and finding counselors or spiritual advisors. Everyone’s path to healing is unique, so it’s essential to be supportive of their journey and to give them the tools to succeed and provide the best possible support to our clients.
Job Counseling
Our transformation team can help eager job seekers in many ways! Building a resume, writing a cover letter, interview prep, and even job searching! We will do everything in our power to help avid job seekers become gainfully employed.
Job Openings
At Feed My People, we value all employees, job candidates, volunteers and the clients we serve as unique individuals, and we welcome the variety of experiences they bring to our company. As such, we have a strict non-discrimination policy. We believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by law. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, please notify your manager or the Human Resources Manager (314-631-4900, ext. 307) know as soon as possible. Every complaint will be appropriately investigated.